The average American household spends about $1,900 annually on energy and also creates more than 26,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. Collectively, residential energy use accounts for about 20 percent of the country's greenhouse gas emissions.
You can take steps in your own home with little to no cost. Doing things like lowering your water heaters temperature to 120F, or lowering your thermostat or turning off unneeded electronics when not in use are some easy steps you can take to make your home greener.
Low cost steps like sealing air leaks in your home and installing more efficient shower heads will help lower your energy cost and save you money in the long run.
I know my family attempts to be as energy efficient as possible and it is crazy to think that such small variations to our normal day can impact us, our homes, and the environment to such a great extent. I think it is important to inform people just how much we can do/change without having to physically do/change that much.
ReplyDeleteRight now i live at home and there are 5 of us. WE have changed all our light bulbs to the energy saving kind, quit using paper bags, we do laundry oncea week, & when its nice out we line dry it to save on our electric.Doinga little bit everyday will help makea change.
ReplyDeleteThose are some good points you made. I didn't even know you could lower your water heater temperatures. Good article you found, I think i am going to have to invest into these ideas.
ReplyDeleteThis is something I see businesses trying to invest in as well. I work at Panera Bread part-time and I can say we use all kinds of environmentally friendly things. This includeds the biodegradable bags we use, along with giving away our extra food at night to homeless shelters so we don't waste it. It really makes you wonder why some people find this so hard.
ReplyDeleteYeah my family, since about 2003ish, has been trying to go greener. We recycle when we can, use re-useable bags, and try not to use the heater and air conditioner too much. It has saved us a bit of money and helps the environment in the process. It’s the small stuff that really adds up.
ReplyDeleteThese are all notable things that we all could change. I like the hanging the laundry outside to dry. It can become especially handy when the dryer goes bad or the electricity goes out.