Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ain't Scared of your Jails
Watching the documentary about the beginnings of the civil rights movements opened up some interesting thoughts. I loved this film. The whole thing stood out because that time in history is an incredible American achievement for black people in America. It is hard to understand a hard time in history because sometimes it is too difficult to endure, or it does not seem like that big of a deal, or like this time period when America seemed to be an embarrassment. I loved the line where the mayor of Nashville, Tennessee said, "I answered that question morally since I am a man." He mentions this after answering very truthfully about how he disagrees that a person should not be discriminated in a restaurant or refused service based on the color of their skin. I loved Diane Nash and how she was the one who asked that question. I am ashamed of the time where people were so ignorant and even stubborn about the racism in America. How could anyone honestly treat a human as if he or she were a nobody.
The fact that the college students had so much bravery gave me the chills during this film. They were making a stand and doing what was constitutionally fair and right. The sit-ins were a brave step towards many movements to come like the bus boycotts and the freedom rides. I enjoyed this film thoroughly and hope to see more like it.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ain't Scared of your Jails
Ain’t Scared of your Jails was a fitting title for that documentary. The Freedom Riders in that video were scared of nothing. It was very inspirational to me for the people who would take blows to the head, name calling, and violence without retaliation. Also, many seemed to have a relatively gentle and forgiving spirit toward their abusers! It’s hard to take a hit without retaliation. It’s even harder to take it without hating those who hurt them.
They also had a strong desire to do what they did. Besides taking physical abuse, they also took jail time. In the documentary, many of the demonstrators chose 33 days in jail over their 50 dollar fines, because they didn’t want to support the arrestors. As a response to going to jail, one man stated, “It became a crusade. It became a badge of honor.” The demonstrators were strong, relentless, and devoted. They were the Freedom Riders.
Freedom Riders
Thursday, October 29, 2009
"Keep Your Eyes On The Prize, Hold On"
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Food Coloring can cause hyperactivity in kids
- Give Up Meat To Save The Planet -
The article mentioned that methane emissions are twenty-three times more powerful than that of carbon emissions. It goes on to mention that methane emissions from cows and pigs play a significant part in the amount of greenhouse gases. Talk about a fart joke!
Essentially, what is being asked here is to simply give up meat because of the dangerous emissions it gives off. To quote Stern, "Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better."
People want to feel important, they want to matter. If humans are to blame for global warming, the gut reaction of people is, "What can I do?" By doing this, you are willing to solve this so called problem, at any costs – even if it means higher taxes, more regulations, purchasing different light bulbs, driving fuel-efficient cars, and giving up meat. Essentially, surrendering your personal freedoms, liberties, and your way of time at the expense of contributing to the "cause."
It amazes me to think that the United States it the leading country to fight this "challenge." Why haven’t more populated countries, like China and India caught on to this, or even share the blame? Look at their pollution size to ours.
The Earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old and has endured volcano eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, meteor impacts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on – so how can it be that breathing CO2 emissions is going to make or break us?
Yes, recycling and conservation is crucial and a vital piece of survival. There are only so many resources in the world, and it is important to conserve them. And of course, if you witness someone deliberately polluting such as littering, polluting the oceans, dumping chemicals in a lake and so forth, that’s stoppable. That can be fixed. But to go to the drastic measures of claiming that man made actions are altering the climate is absurd.
One more thought – how are the proposed taxes on all energy usage in the future going to stop the alleged man-made global warming – ah, excuse me, I mean climate change, or whatever name this will be changed to in the future to help further this cause?
The new trend is to rent, many people would rather have their own things and that is a valid point, but there is clear and great advantages for renting. For one when you rent you don’t have to keep the thing, which you would have to find room for it in your already clogged house. What does it for others is our current economic situation; people do not want to spend $150 dollars in a power tool that they may only use for half an hour. That is the prospect of the use of power tools. It is not just good for your budget, but environmentalist strongly supports this cause. Renting avoids having to use fine and limited resources in the making of a tool or other objects; it also avoids the hassle of packaging. By implementing this simple technique, environmentalists say that the environment is greatly relieved. It is incredible the wide range of things you can rent, from bikes to dogs to gardens to caskets. Regardless of how outrageous it may seem you can probably rent it. it is hard to understand why anyone would borrow a dog, but a family may want to see if there are any allergic reactions with a certain breed. For us college students there was a website where we can borrow books for 10% of its original price, for every book borrowed a tree is planted. Next time you think about buying something consider renting.
(Photo: Getty Images)
Seven species that won't survive global warming
In Teeming India, Water Crisis Means Dry Pipes and Foul Sludge
India's rivers are highly polluted, there is trash and waste chemicals everywhere in the water, so clean water is hard to come by naturally. New Delhi isn't the only Indian city with this problem. Many cities nationwide are having troubles in maintaining sanitation and long-lasting water supply. 2.1 million children (under the age of 5) die each year due to unsanitary water.
How U.S. houselholds could cut emissions of greenhouse gases
I found this article to be very interesting and informative. If Americans are able to change certain aspects of their lives, the U.S. would be able to cut greenhouse emissions by eight percent. The changes that are suggested for this to happen are not very dramatic at all. Carpooling for example is one suggestion. Many people often carpool today to work or different events. Not only would it help to cut emissions, but it can save money on fuel expenses as well.
Another change that is suggested is insulating your home. People would probably be less willing to make this change because of the cost of insulating a home. There are solutions being thought of however to help with the cost issue. These include offering simpler and more immediate financial incentives for insulating a home, or buying an energy efficient appliance. More public awareness about the benefits of insulating is being considered as well. Insulating your home can also help your home to keep heat inside during winter months.
In Response to “How U.S. Households Could Cut Emissions of Greenhouse Gases”
In the article, the writer simply discusses the benefits and reasons for making households efficient. Not only is it easier on everyone’s pocketbook, but it also is good for the environment. Whether or not you believe in “preserving” the earth, the idea of changing your house insulation and energy usage is good for everybody. Some people are just ignorant to change because they hate movements like this, but is that the right approach to take? Certainly not. In the article, Elizabeth Rosenthal provides us with statistics and data that reveal the good in changing your house. Thomas Dietz, a professor at Michigan State University came up with these assumed results from just following 17 easy household actions. “They concluded that, over 10 years, shifting behavior could save 123 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, or 20 percent of household emissions in the United States” So are these global warming fanatics going nuts with their ideas? Probably, but are these changes worth it? YES.
350 Day of Climate Action Awareness Protests Across the World
Which Term To Use and Why?
Some politicians have used the term global warming to suggest that human factors may not be involved in changes to climate and that furthermore, the only change that will occur is slightly hotter temperatures. Either term is okay to use, but the writer makes it clear that both terms point to the same thing: a change in the atmosphere we can affect positively that may or may not impact the human race.
The Arroyo Toad will be affected in terms of the fact that they need moisture to protect their delicate skin. They burrow themselves in the sand to keep cool and shed their skin. With the reoccurring droughts, this species will not survive. “One of at least 46 corals and 85 invertebrates [are] threatened by climate change.” Warmer waters are killing these species and causing them to get diseases.
Because of heat stress and loss of food the karner blue butter fly will also not survive. Drought will also cause harm to the sonorant pronghorn antelope. They are the fasted land mammals in North America and are devastated when droughts happen because they also migrate. And lastly is the sea turtle. The Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle is the smallest sea turtle. Not only would higher sea temperatures affect the animal but also the temperature of sand since that is where the nesting occurs.
The realization that many of our favorite and delicate creatures will go extinct may create a feeling to do something in order to help. Is it natural what is happening? Are humans the cause of this phenomenon? What can we honestly do to help? Most feel hopeless.
Save your energy to Save your money
You can take steps in your own home with little to no cost. Doing things like lowering your water heaters temperature to 120F, or lowering your thermostat or turning off unneeded electronics when not in use are some easy steps you can take to make your home greener.
Low cost steps like sealing air leaks in your home and installing more efficient shower heads will help lower your energy cost and save you money in the long run.
Government allocates $151 million to Advanced Research Projects for Energy (Arpa-E)
Solar Trees
Algea Farm & Vertical Garden Proposed for Vacant Boston Landmark
Although this is only a artists rendition and the building appears like something right out of a science fiction movie, it is very much a realistic concept.
The idea is to build a temporary home for research and bio-fuel production. These interlocking pods contain algea-incubators on the inside, and plants on the outside.The algea is a primary source for bio-fuel. These individual pods would be rented out to researchers for algea-based projects. The spaces between the pods allow for planting and creating a vertical garden.
Whats your footprint size?
Saving Clothes and Saving Money at The Same Time.
Theoretically, that means you could cut your spending on clothing in half just by being careful about washing and line-drying them instead of using a machine.
Given that the average American family spends about $1,800 a year on clothing, that $900 savings over, say, thirty years with a compounded interest rate of five percent could build you a nice little nest egg of close to $70,000. And that's before factoring in the additional savings on energy and appliance costs when you line-dry instead of use a machine.
Money for your broken ipod
Dell prepares for plug-ins with solar-powered parking lots
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
M-16 Round
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
M - 16
Saturday, October 17, 2009
- So We Shot -
The feeling of helplessness, in terms of combating the enemy seems to cause an outburst of anger, which is directed at destroying their surroundings.
After the amount of bloodshed, carnage, destruction, and death they have witnessed, simply killing anything all seems like part of the environment that they live in. In some cases, this can consume people, eventually leading to their own downfall.
For them, death seems like a way out – first by killing any and everything they encounter, before alleviating themselves.
This poem is a great example of the effects of war, and how people deal with its effects.
On a side note, I have been able to with numerous veterans of various wars who fought on both sides, and both tell the sheer destruction they all witnessed. It’s amazing to hear their stories, and especially how they were able to "adapt" to such hostile environments, as well as adjusting to post-war life.
So We Shot
I felt that “so we shot” was a very powerful poem that clarified what the soldiers actually did in Vietnam. In the beginning the poem starts in a normal tone and how boys love to shoot by boys being boys. But, then the poem continues to a darker side as the author talked about how the soldiers kill almost anything that came to their way. I find it interesting how Micus mention how the soldiers weren’t killing what they intended to kill. He said “Because we rarely saw them, we rarely shot the enemy.” It was very sad that the soldiers kill innocent women and children who had nothing to do with the war. It’s crazy to know all the different animals that the soldiers had killed. At the end, it was very heartbreaking to finally see what the soldiers went through after the war to the extent that they kill themselves. Overall, I loved all the poems that Micus wrote. He is very powerful poet.
So We Shot
So We Shot
These boys went over and their youth coupled with training resulted in trigger happy soldiers, shooting anything and everything that they saw, but as Micus said, "Because we rarely saw them, we rarely shot the enemy." Just as this poem showed someone like me a truth I was not expecting, so did Vietnam to these soldiers. They shot, and they shot a lot. They shot at whatever they could; they shot just to shoot. As the poem progresses, so does its severity. Their targets begin as birds, parrots, and gulls and then all of a sudden those simple birds have human faces. They shoot women and children and old men, but they do not shoot the enemy, because they do not see the enemy.
The last line in the poem was the one that hit the hardest. He goes out with a bang, literally. Many soldiers, especially the young ones who didn't necessarily understand and consider the reprocussions of their actions, had serious trouble when they returned home. It is only speculation since I have never been involved in a war, but I would think it would be most difficult to deal with death when you go home, away from the war, and have plenty of time to think about it. In battle, a soldier is often blinded by his instincts, by adrenaline, and by a yearning to live so he does what he must. PTSD occurs when they finally have a chance to think about and question their actions and when they finally have the chance to judge themselves. I think the transition from youth to death makes this is a really sad poem, but this is a very real poem.
(Sorry for the late response, Mike. I was in Oxford to bring my girlfriend back home and finally have access to a computer this morning.)
M-16 Round
Good job, half of you!
Essay Two prompt from Mike
Essay Two Prompt
Analysis essay on an interpretive question taken from
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
The goal: write a 3 to 6 page (800 to 1600 words) essay that explores deeply the possible responses to a good interpretive question from The Things They Carried.
The essay should be a traditional academic style essay with a thesis, body, and conclusion. You should mostly use third person point of view, but you may use the “I” point of view if you want to make a personal connection or comparison to the evidence. If something in your life helps illustrate or interpret the evidence, then connect it and use the first person, but overall, you should write from a more objective distance in this essay, and bring in the evidence from the book.
You will use your skills in paraphrase, of course, and you may use direct quotes as well, but make sure you do not overdo the use of quotes.
MLA style should be used for all in-text citations, and of course for the Works Cited page.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Regret to Inform
I feel bad for the mother. I haven't experienced anything like this myself, and I hope it will be a while before I do, but to have someone dear to you die definitely seems like it would be a heartbreaking experience.
So We Shot
The poem also points out that the soldiers in Vietnam often had no idea who they were shooting, simply referring to them as "the enemy". The Vietnamese women and children are given no description other than the color of their skin. The soldiers do not remember any details, or perhaps they do not choose to take any note of details. The Vietnam War took a toll on the psyche of soldiers, and "So We Shot" allows the reader to understand just what they may have gone through.
M-16 Round
Boy in a Rice Paddy, Head Shot
Firebase Red
Willie asks him what he did with his army stuff. He gave it away to the goodwill and that seemed very strange to me that he would give something like that away. Then he goes on and says "i keep a pair in the back of my head"( referring to a pair of boots). I think this shows that he wanted to forget everything that happened in the war by giving his stuff away. He cant actually forget it because it is always in the back of his head. The last line is very powerful and gave me chills as i read it because it seemed wierd but that is how he remembered it. The boots to him remind him of vietnam.
M-16 round
So We Shot
Ambush Moon
One of the reason why I chose this poem, is because it gives the reader a setting, and somewhat of a plot, but it doesn’t tell you what exactly happened. Partially is left up to the imagination. Reading through these poems leads me to believe that poetry is a channel to express more then just the grip that gore print in memories. It reflects the beauty and power of language which eases, or attempts to objectify the memories of the past. Mr. Lohere told us what actually happened that night, but the poem Ambush Moon doesn’t retell what actually happened, it gives us the setting the essence, the beautiful children, but it doesn’t tell us what happened to the beautiful children or the village. It leaves it up to the imagination, it hints to that there is something else to do but just arriving to the village, but it doesn’t tell us what happened. Excellent use of language, short and well written.